Friday, October 1, 2010

Copyrights, Fair Use Rules, Online Safety and Cyber Bullying

Paragraph 1:  Why do we have to respect copy rights and fair use rules?  Why is that so important?  How will you teach your students about this?
We must respect copy rights and fair use rules because as a functioning society we must respect the rights of one another. We also need to respect them to prevent us from having to suffer the consequences. Infringement is a form of stealing and as educators it is important to teach our students good morals. Students need to be taught to give full credit for another persons work and not to pass something along as theirs. I will introduce violating copyrights for my young students as stealing and cheating and give them an overview of what it is the what copyrights are for and as a class make a graphic organizer with examples of what stealing is and then as a class sign an oath to not cheat or plagiarize.
Paragraph 2: What is online safety and is it different from cyberbullying?  How can we protect our students and ourselves from potential online predators?
Online safety is just a set of rules expected to be followed to protect oneself such as not giving out personal information. One can prevent online safety from cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is when a person becomes a target of another person. I feel that the only way to protect our students and ourselves is to take preventive measures such as informing parents and guardians about cyberbullying and limiting the length of time students are online as well as restricting certain websites if needed. With the many consequences of cyberbullying that flood the news ever so often, it is our job as educators to pass on this information. I know social networking websites include features that allow one to block messages and people as well as viewing things before they are posted online. I never paid much attention to the consequences cyberbullying could have until the myspace incident, where two girls were in a feud and one of the girls mother posed as a boy who became the other girls love interest and after awhile broke up with her and harassed her into commiting suicide.
Paragraph 3: What do you think about this week activities?  Did you learn anything new? 
I enjoyed this weeks activities. I was glad to have had the opportunity to further my knowledge in copyrights. I never knew how much of an importance it was. I knew to always give credit for others work but I never knew how in depth the situation can actually get. 


Copyright Office. About Copyright. Retrieved September 30, 2010.

Joilet, Francis. A Visit to Copyright Bay. 2002. Retrieved September 30, 2010.

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