Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Experimenting with Technologies

Gee's principle of probing (p. 54) states that learning is a cycle of probing the world (doing something) and reflecting in and on this action and forming a hypothesis. Select 3 principles you think it would be important for education.
The Active, Critical Learning Principle is important for education because I feel that students should be presented content according to students interests. Students will be more engaged into lectures when they are learning about something they find interesting along with interaction versus the teacher talking the whole time throughout the lecture while students sit and listen which leads me to my next principle, the discovery principle. Students need to explore and make discoveries because it enhances their learning. Students are more prone to understanding certain concepts when they are able to use their prior knowledge to make connections. The last principle, the semiotic domains, is another one I find of importance because students, no matter what age, need to be faced with a challenge. Not all students are at the same learning stage. Each child has potential and with this principle students are able to use it and work cooperatively.

Good simulations are hard to create. If you were creating a simulation for your class, what activity would you support? What variables could students manipulate? How would they affect each other?
I would create a math simulation. It'd be similar to the Oregon Trail Game and perfect for elementary students. Students could choose a pet and raise it like they would a normal animal. They would decide how much to feed it, how long it slept, exercise, grooming and so forth. Students would be able to manipulate those factors. They would affect each other in the fact that their pet could lose/gain weight, get sick, or die. Students will be able to relate the cause of their pets illness to how they treated their pet.

Overall I feel that students need to be taught accordingly. Gee's principles serve as a great guideline for teachers to keep in consideration. I feel that students should be exposed to technology with reason and not solely for the purpose of it being fun. I'm not against using technology and experimenting with it and enjoying but if one can benefit from it in an educational way, why not do it?

Jonassen, D., Howard, J., Marra, R., Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful learning with technology (pp. 48-55). Upper Saddle, New Jersey: Pearson.